{Mr. MiKeY G.and FaM}

This session was fun. We were starting to lose light when we got there so we had to make it quick..I'm pleased that we still got some good shots out of it, epecially for how dark it was. Mikey was so cute!! All smiles. I've never had a child be so cooperative, ever. Melissa & Israel, you guys made a cute baby!! He really is something special. I can't wait for our next session!!




These are a little dark, but I just HAD to put them up here!!



H. October 4, 2009 at 9:13 PM  

Ashley those are all amazing. oh my gosh. i love the little girl sucking her fingers. and funny cody asked me why he has not been asked to go on a shoot with me, well if you know him peeps you know why not! and if you don't your missing out he is one hell of a guy but not a place for him to be at a shoot.

H. October 4, 2009 at 9:15 PM  

p.s take me with you on your bext wedding as a 2nd shooter... huh...

Jayme October 6, 2009 at 9:28 PM  

I love the dark ones... fabulous!

Alyssa October 6, 2009 at 10:27 PM  

Oh man the one with the little boy turning around looking at his parents is ADORABLE!!!

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