{magic recipe}
Ok folks. I'm sharing one of my secrets to editing here and I don't do this very often but I'm in the mood. I've had a lot of people ask me what actions I use and how I edit my photos. Well, to be honest, it just depends on the picture. I use different actions and methods for every set of pictures I edit.
SHH a secret: you don't have to spend any money for the actions I used to edit this photo! I took this picture straight from the camera and applied actions in photoshop from two different free sets to achieve the look you see here.
First you will need to download the free actions by following the links below:
Pioneer Woman Action Sets 1 and 2:
http://thepioneerwoman.com/photography/2009/08/pioneer-woman-action-sets-1-and-2-updated/MCP High Def Sharpen and other free actions:
Once they are downloaded and uploaded into photoshop the magic can begin:
Run MCP High Definition Sharpen.
Using a soft round brush at 100% erase the action off the skin. That is one trick to obtaining that soft skin effect, you never want the skin to look sharp. Avoid erasing off areas such as creases and dimples.
after note * make sure to get the lips or they will appear dry.
Flatten image.
Run Pioneer Woman's Fresh and Colorful from set 1.
Play around with the opacity of the layers until you achieve the desired look. In this photo I have the soft light layer at 88%.
Run PW's "Bring on the Eyes" from set 2.
Using a soft round brush paint over JUST the colored part of the eye.
You will want to reduce the opacity of the layer quite a bit depending on your picture. I have mine at 12%. You don't want to overdo it or your subject will look posessed:)
Run PW's "Sharpen THIS"
Paint over hair and eyes, or even jewelry, depending on what you want to be especially sharp.
Again, avoid painting over skin.
Run MCP Crystal Clear Web Sharpen before uploading to the web. Be sure to erase the action off the skin and you are good to go. If you are using Photobucket to upload to your blog, upload at LARGE 640-x480 px for best resolution:)
Feel free to leave a comment if you have any questions:) And please do give me a link to your photos if you use these actions, I want to see what you come up with!
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